Additional Source Link Will Provide you With All other Documented Information from my Website Published in 2011, You Tube Channel, and Live Talk/Chat Archived Recordings - Documenting these Tactical Operations:
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
I continue to find it amazing that these CIVILIAN RECRUITS under this PYRAMID SCHEME think they are or have these SKILLS that THEYcame up with, but Target’s such as myself and other have already outlined, even before the SNOWDEN NSA leaks.
Basically, the Civilian Recruits believe they are in CONTROL and or have the POWER - but the vast majority of them don’t even realize, what they are doing is being CONTROLLED- and what better way to PROVE when given power and or control over others or in this case basic tactical operations, would the GENERAL PUBLIC be able to POLICE themselves and stay LAW ABIDING, or would they attempt through Anonymity commit crimes, to include heinous and egregious acts upon another person and or their property. IT’S BEEN PROVE - CITY BY CITY, STATE BY STATE, and Nation By Nation where there are TARGETED VICTIMS who have come forward in their respective NATO allied countries, that when the GENERAL CIVILIAN POPULATION is given POWER/Control without OVERSIGHT - THEY will turn into WHAT IS BEING EXHIBITED, and due to the public job I have gone into - has become even more apparent.
What is it? THE CIVILIAN POPULATION IS INCAPABLE OF POLICING ITSELF - thus to a very large extent the Justification of this MASSIVE SURVEILLANCE STATE- and the CONTINUED money being invested in Advanced Algorithms, and Recognition Artificial Intelligence. But for VICTIMS such as myself - FUCK THESE ASSHOLES for USING ME — to ADVANCE their POLICE STATE, BIO, NEURAL, AND SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGIES - and other Secondary, and or Tertiary, etc. AGENDAS’ - It has cost me more than any justification and or excuse utilized to proclaim what they did was for some Greater Good, to Advance Science and or Technology, for some Sociological, Anthropological, et al study - for Social Engineering, etc. NO EXCUSE will Justify the sheer levels of violence inflicted upon and against my human life, my humanity, my person, my identiy - And, that is why we are at this Stale Mate - There is NOTHING these TERRORISTS can say - because it was all done in large parts through this ART OF DECEPTION- only victims’ such as myself ISOLATED, OUTLINED, AND PUBLISHED, long before the Snowden NSA Leaks.
In reference to MAGIC- the PDF validated claims that I had already made, was the utlizating of Mentalist capabilities, which were glamorized and whitewashed through Hollywood productions like NOW YOU SEE ME! But what is coming out of it are National Security Threats, whereby they are placing at great risk, unsuspecting citizens who can and have already been manipulated by RECRUITED MEMBERS from this Domestic and International Terrorist Cult of Radicalized Extremists, State, Corporate and Academia - sponsored, santioned, and covered up by these entities, who have been providing specialized terrorist traning on how to deploy and execute these tactical operations.
the following is the PDF to Show where it directly INVOLVES STATE/CORPORATE as in Military/Defense/National Security and their Corporate Private Secruities who have BY way of recruting their Civilian community, indoctrainted and radicalized recruits - are direcdtly RESPONSIBNLE for CREATING this NATIONAL SECRUITY THREAT.
It came out in the Snowden NSA Leaks, but was already talked about by Targeted Victims’ such as myself utilziging the workings of Chris Angell and Derren Brown on how to these Tactics were being used. When the Snowden Leaks came out - it VALIDATED for me and other Targeted victims’ who had identified the Tactical Operations to be part and parcel to our very Targeting.
The following link goes into detail about the U.S. DoD, along with their FIVE EYES and other NATO allies, who deployed and executed these TACTICAL OPERATIONS on their OWN people, by way of Targeting a Solo Scapegoat in different communities to be targeted by Civilian Recruits under false flag and other propagandized operations - This was the VALIDATED NSA LEAKED DOCUMENTS that for victims such as myself - who had long since PUBLISHED the TACTICAL OPERATIONS-
So, as much as one would like to blame Cambridge Analytica, and or Facebook, Google, et al - YOU FIRST HAVE TO REALIZE - THE GENISIS OF ALL OF IT - CAME FROM OUR OWN GOVERNMENTS - and then FILTERED DOWN to their CORPORATE and ACADEMIC Counterparts. The LEAKED NSA Documents - was some of the most comprehensive VALIDATION - Victims’ such as myself were provided, but I was and have already been long since published -
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
04 December 2018
At approximatley 0843 AM, drove over to the local State Farm Office in Pacific Grove, CA to pay my Semi-Annual Auto Insurance for my Acura MDX. While there I was triggered, and there were four people in the Office. This could be considered, should anything other than my paying for my MDX Semi-Annual Auto Insurance for Jan-Jul 2019 been done should be considered Criminal Insurance Fraud on the parties involved be it the State Farm Managing Agent, Tom McKinney to two unknown females in the office, but make no mistake I know I was triggered based on the timelines I am keeping upon entrance and exit into any location.
04 Dec 2018
Showed up at the Tom McKinney State Farm Office to pay my auto insurance for my Acura MDX ie Jan thru Jul 2019.
While there I was triggered and any State Farm Policies , Etc that we’re conducted other than the payment for my MDX six months auto insurance is to be considered COERCIVE INSURANCE FRAUD.
McKinney or whom ever was in his office said “SEE THAT WAS EASY. “ To these Recruited Terrorists and BioTerrorists it may seem easy but this is to legally Document if State Farm Insurance has and or claims to have “other” policies and or documents and I mean ANYTHING to include transfers etc OTHER than the basic full coverage I have for my MDX, from which I showed up to pay and was provided the attached receipt and be given copies of my proof of insurance card, THAN Anything State Farm Claims to have that was in or signed by me was done through COERCIVE Fraud, and or MECHANICAL /TRIGGERED MEANS - all COERCION.
Bottom line. I went to pay for MY semi annual auto insurance for my Acura MDX at the State Farm Office, and Agent Tom McKinney in Pacific Grove, CA - what other things these Cult Driven Terrorists to include the utilization of State Farm Insurance and Coercive Manipulations in order to take and or get out of me during this altered state/coercive influence, is full on Criminal Fraud and COERCIVE FRAUD. Not to mention this could now be considered deliberate infliction of something akin to brain damage and disability and taking advantage of someone who is being deliberately and cognitively disabled becomes an added criminal offense.
Sent from my iPhone
At approximatley 0843 AM, drove over to the local State Farm Office in Pacific Grove, CA to pay my Semi-Annual Auto Insurance for my Acura MDX. While there I was triggered, and there were four people in the Office. This could be considered, should anything other than my paying for my MDX Semi-Annual Auto Insurance for Jan-Jul 2019 been done should be considered Criminal Insurance Fraud on the parties involved be it the State Farm Managing Agent, Tom McKinney to two unknown females in the office, but make no mistake I know I was triggered based on the timelines I am keeping upon entrance and exit into any location.
04 Dec 2018
Showed up at the Tom McKinney State Farm Office to pay my auto insurance for my Acura MDX ie Jan thru Jul 2019.
While there I was triggered and any State Farm Policies , Etc that we’re conducted other than the payment for my MDX six months auto insurance is to be considered COERCIVE INSURANCE FRAUD.
McKinney or whom ever was in his office said “SEE THAT WAS EASY. “ To these Recruited Terrorists and BioTerrorists it may seem easy but this is to legally Document if State Farm Insurance has and or claims to have “other” policies and or documents and I mean ANYTHING to include transfers etc OTHER than the basic full coverage I have for my MDX, from which I showed up to pay and was provided the attached receipt and be given copies of my proof of insurance card, THAN Anything State Farm Claims to have that was in or signed by me was done through COERCIVE Fraud, and or MECHANICAL /TRIGGERED MEANS - all COERCION.
Bottom line. I went to pay for MY semi annual auto insurance for my Acura MDX at the State Farm Office, and Agent Tom McKinney in Pacific Grove, CA - what other things these Cult Driven Terrorists to include the utilization of State Farm Insurance and Coercive Manipulations in order to take and or get out of me during this altered state/coercive influence, is full on Criminal Fraud and COERCIVE FRAUD. Not to mention this could now be considered deliberate infliction of something akin to brain damage and disability and taking advantage of someone who is being deliberately and cognitively disabled becomes an added criminal offense.
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, December 3, 2018
Filled Up Gas and Notice How Much Gas Is Stolen in Just 2.2 miles
This is to show how fast my Targeted hits are coming and within one Street, Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove CA and this shows hw many civilian recruits watch these criminal domestic terrorist Target a private vehicle and say not a fucking thing.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Targeted: (2) Weeks Payroll Checks and Racist & Religious Intolerence Rears It’s Ugly Head At Work
27 Nov 2018
First Targeted Hit
Update: Thursday, 29 November 2018 telephoned store about prior two weeks,could not be found a. Then had them check for today’s paycheck, this was also not in the checks for today. Made the necessary call. After no response, sent text message to Union Rep. Received call back, still not sure where check is but I thinks they know. Need to call him 30 November 2018 to see if they found where my checks are.
Went in to work a little early to ask for two weeks of payroll checks from the safe, which I remembered and wanted to get since I was off the next couple days. Sandy was busy at the time so I told her I would wait till my break. At break, Sandy was at lunch so I asked the lead for closing, Lee if he could get my checks for me. Upon looking he was unable to find it, and to,d me to call Lupe in the morning. This was the same response from Sandy who claimed she had also looked through the Alpha Folder and could not find my two weeks of checks.
The next hit had to do with my ringing up a Caucasian, older couple for small vegetable items, which have a code and i look at the screen to identify the item as well. In this case the N3 was being used to Frreze My Brain, and now it is apparent store employees work directly with this Terrorist Organization because what showed up on the register tape was not the item I had put into the register to read. I notice when this transpires the item total already shows without me pushing the touch screen to total the items.
1. There is Virtual key access manipulation taking place and this is in line with what I have already documented about knowing I have rung up say $250 with of groceries and this is with discounts but the FINAL total will be like $80 and this sets me off because I know they are using me or scapegoating me when this is being done.
2. There will be an increase with voids / manager over rides because I am scanning and my arm or someone from behind jerks me so that it double scans.
3. Or in this case with the customers it was highly orchestrated.
A. Caucasian elder couple comes back to my register talking loud about WHAT IS THIS BUDDHA HAND you charged me for? Since, I had never heard of such a thing I had no ideas what it was or why it showed up on the customers receipt.
Then it clicked when it just so happens another Caucasian female, KNOWS all about this Buddha hand, and goes into a lengthy detail, about it having these LONG UGLY CLAW like finger and was some fruit.
At which point I called over George who was monitoring the self check out to see if he knew why this BUDDHA HAND had shown up on the receipt. We gave the couple their refund
BUT this was a targeted hit. Being Asian and having several family members who happen to be Buddhist, and because several not just customers, and tonight I heard Sandy say Praise Be GOD, and was told about another couple employees who also follow the faith, it’s been real easy to recruit even employees to assist in Targeting me at work
Hence, no payroll checks or missing/misplaced payroll checks. Having someone go into scripted detail about the UGLY FINGERS the BUDDHA HAND fruit has, which HAD TO BE PROGRAMMED INTO THE REGISTER LISTING, by some employee (working in tandem with this terrorist cult) But yet again, one specific religious belief in this case attempting to
1. Excuse their bad and violent behavior against me
2. Attempt to to disparage and put down another religion or having no religion at all
3. Attempt to feel superior over someone some think may be Buddhist
4. Make the wrong assumption that because I am Japanese, the link must be Buddhism is not only stereotype thinking but highly racist and an attempt to believe their religious and or other spiritual and or no beliefs make them superior to say Buddhists really shows the intolerence, ignorance and bigotry of a large number who have come to target me because it is not just this religion but many different groups jockeying to proclaim THEY are superior to the other group/s but here is the PROBLEM... I am the Target Who is being Targeted by ALL OF THEM.
To top off my evening was another Caucasian couple who loudly asked me... ARE YOU THE DEVIL?
I am currently trying to be a checker at a grocery store in order to make a living, and these fanatics are trying to undermine my every move/s because of what they believe and or have been led to believe...
It’s out of control ....
First Targeted Hit
Update: Thursday, 29 November 2018 telephoned store about prior two weeks,could not be found a. Then had them check for today’s paycheck, this was also not in the checks for today. Made the necessary call. After no response, sent text message to Union Rep. Received call back, still not sure where check is but I thinks they know. Need to call him 30 November 2018 to see if they found where my checks are.
Went in to work a little early to ask for two weeks of payroll checks from the safe, which I remembered and wanted to get since I was off the next couple days. Sandy was busy at the time so I told her I would wait till my break. At break, Sandy was at lunch so I asked the lead for closing, Lee if he could get my checks for me. Upon looking he was unable to find it, and to,d me to call Lupe in the morning. This was the same response from Sandy who claimed she had also looked through the Alpha Folder and could not find my two weeks of checks.
The next hit had to do with my ringing up a Caucasian, older couple for small vegetable items, which have a code and i look at the screen to identify the item as well. In this case the N3 was being used to Frreze My Brain, and now it is apparent store employees work directly with this Terrorist Organization because what showed up on the register tape was not the item I had put into the register to read. I notice when this transpires the item total already shows without me pushing the touch screen to total the items.
1. There is Virtual key access manipulation taking place and this is in line with what I have already documented about knowing I have rung up say $250 with of groceries and this is with discounts but the FINAL total will be like $80 and this sets me off because I know they are using me or scapegoating me when this is being done.
2. There will be an increase with voids / manager over rides because I am scanning and my arm or someone from behind jerks me so that it double scans.
3. Or in this case with the customers it was highly orchestrated.
A. Caucasian elder couple comes back to my register talking loud about WHAT IS THIS BUDDHA HAND you charged me for? Since, I had never heard of such a thing I had no ideas what it was or why it showed up on the customers receipt.
Then it clicked when it just so happens another Caucasian female, KNOWS all about this Buddha hand, and goes into a lengthy detail, about it having these LONG UGLY CLAW like finger and was some fruit.
At which point I called over George who was monitoring the self check out to see if he knew why this BUDDHA HAND had shown up on the receipt. We gave the couple their refund
BUT this was a targeted hit. Being Asian and having several family members who happen to be Buddhist, and because several not just customers, and tonight I heard Sandy say Praise Be GOD, and was told about another couple employees who also follow the faith, it’s been real easy to recruit even employees to assist in Targeting me at work
Hence, no payroll checks or missing/misplaced payroll checks. Having someone go into scripted detail about the UGLY FINGERS the BUDDHA HAND fruit has, which HAD TO BE PROGRAMMED INTO THE REGISTER LISTING, by some employee (working in tandem with this terrorist cult) But yet again, one specific religious belief in this case attempting to
1. Excuse their bad and violent behavior against me
2. Attempt to to disparage and put down another religion or having no religion at all
3. Attempt to feel superior over someone some think may be Buddhist
4. Make the wrong assumption that because I am Japanese, the link must be Buddhism is not only stereotype thinking but highly racist and an attempt to believe their religious and or other spiritual and or no beliefs make them superior to say Buddhists really shows the intolerence, ignorance and bigotry of a large number who have come to target me because it is not just this religion but many different groups jockeying to proclaim THEY are superior to the other group/s but here is the PROBLEM... I am the Target Who is being Targeted by ALL OF THEM.
To top off my evening was another Caucasian couple who loudly asked me... ARE YOU THE DEVIL?
I am currently trying to be a checker at a grocery store in order to make a living, and these fanatics are trying to undermine my every move/s because of what they believe and or have been led to believe...
It’s out of control ....
Monday, November 26, 2018
Took A Hit To The Head w/12 pk Mountain Dew It Snapped My Neck
26 Nov 2018: once again the latest group of organized terrorists showed up, only this one was an employee fro Cal AM Water. I was being placed under the altered state when I felt the impact of something hitting my head so hard that I heard my neck snap and the cracking of the neck bone.
When I looked over I noticed Doug one of the cashiers was dealing with th 12 pack of Mountain Dew with cans that had exploded upon impact to my head.
This is the type of absolute violence I am sustaining while workin at this grocery store I am working as a cashier for. I took a photo to ensure I do muted such brutal violence that would impact my head to snap it so hard even under a forced and coercive altered state I could hear my own neck snapping and who was behind me when it happened.
When I looked over I noticed Doug one of the cashiers was dealing with th 12 pack of Mountain Dew with cans that had exploded upon impact to my head.
This is the type of absolute violence I am sustaining while workin at this grocery store I am working as a cashier for. I took a photo to ensure I do muted such brutal violence that would impact my head to snap it so hard even under a forced and coercive altered state I could hear my own neck snapping and who was behind me when it happened.
Also note there is a Los Angeles, and Southern California Teams up in Carmel who were party to the first degree murder of journalist Michael Hasting, in reference to the civilian recruits in Organized Stalking and Harassment. Hastings thought it was the FBI, but these Government and Military Agencies hide behind this Nationwide Cult of Recruited Civilian Radicalized Extremists and Hastings did not know what had hit him as he was being Blitzed.
I have a regret because Hastings was the guest speaker at a special screening by Robert Greenwald called .
, “The War on Whistleblowers”, in April 2013. I had put together a 35 page information guide on what Targeting was all about and my theories on who was involved, to include what to look for from the civilian recruits in organized stalking. It also included Info Ops, Directed Energy Weapons and Information on Weaponized Neurotechnologies, and wanted to give him a copy of this in hopes he would break the story about Targeted Individuals such as
myself, but I forgot and was driving home from this Beverly Hills screening and decided not to turn around and give it to him. That was in April, 2013. He was murdered in June, 2013 in what the LAPD ruled an auto accident. But, when his friends and co-workers started talking about a change in him, I knew instantly he was being Targeted by the Los Angeles Civilian Recruits.
I will forever regret this because if he had learned about the civilian side of targeting, he may have better understood what was happening to him. As his peers stated he was acting paranoid and saying he was being stalked and followed by the FBI. The moment I read this I realized, maybe had he had and read the 35 page outline of targeting he would have understood it was a tactical operation that was deployed and executed against him. At least I was able to get a copy to an Intercept reporter.
He was dead in a ball of fire two months later..
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Stolen Time/Coercive Altered State - DARPA N3 is Triggered Hypnotic State
One of the tenants of my targeting, in particular with the weaponization of neurrotechnologies, nano-neurotechnologies, and other cognitive altering capabilities i.e. Hypnotic States and Mechanical triggered altered states is to manipulate outcomes to include commit Fraud, Theft, and other means to benefit them, while leaving me completely vulnerable to their abuses and physical attacks.
This is to legally document that any and all benefits and or fraud / malfeasance committed while under this deliberate triggered altered state is considered Coercion, Coercive Force, Fraud, and Or Coercive Manipulation to include but not limited to Mechanical manipulations and Triggered Manipulations.
NO ONE IS TO BENEFIT, and or attempt to gain from me during these triggered and or mechanically altered states. And those who have are criminally accountable for what they did benefit from and or thought to absolve themselves from their criminal accountability and or responsibility for what they coercively manipulated out of me while being deliberately and with malicious intent into these altered states.
I have known this to occur since the beginning but of late I am being triggered constantly and there is no telling what I am being made to do but I do know that EMT has shown up almost every time I’ve been to work in Carmel which leads me to believe I have sustained massive physical assaults and abuse enough for emergency medical to be called in. This could also include during these coercive states to also be induced to lash out and not know what is being commanded.
I do not suffer from multiple personalities, and or disassociative disease- EVERYTHING that is transpiring to me is being Mechanically Manipulated and or Triggered by others using the Triggers provided to them.
This is FRAUD and always has been - and no one knows that better than the victim who knows they are being triggered and or mechanically induced, and who has been of late and is constantly being Induced against my will, without my consent, and indiscriminately by total strangers who have capitalized and with moral turpitude, abusivelu used and abused their weaponized access tome, who have raped not just my body literally but my mind and body on a constant basis, and I have been left without a means by which to STOP and or PROTECT MYSELF from such ritualistic, cult driven torturous abuses.
In addition, I was coming out of one of the Triggered targeting while at work in Carmel, when one of the cashiers must have been apologizing to the customer. He said something like, I know we have to wait until they can get her back in place; basically unfreezing my brain and everyone around me pretends as if no time has passed but in reality SEVERAL HEINOUS things have transpired and actual time has passed.
These crimes against me are so agregious it defies humanity....
This is to legally document that any and all benefits and or fraud / malfeasance committed while under this deliberate triggered altered state is considered Coercion, Coercive Force, Fraud, and Or Coercive Manipulation to include but not limited to Mechanical manipulations and Triggered Manipulations.
NO ONE IS TO BENEFIT, and or attempt to gain from me during these triggered and or mechanically altered states. And those who have are criminally accountable for what they did benefit from and or thought to absolve themselves from their criminal accountability and or responsibility for what they coercively manipulated out of me while being deliberately and with malicious intent into these altered states.
I have known this to occur since the beginning but of late I am being triggered constantly and there is no telling what I am being made to do but I do know that EMT has shown up almost every time I’ve been to work in Carmel which leads me to believe I have sustained massive physical assaults and abuse enough for emergency medical to be called in. This could also include during these coercive states to also be induced to lash out and not know what is being commanded.
I do not suffer from multiple personalities, and or disassociative disease- EVERYTHING that is transpiring to me is being Mechanically Manipulated and or Triggered by others using the Triggers provided to them.
This is FRAUD and always has been - and no one knows that better than the victim who knows they are being triggered and or mechanically induced, and who has been of late and is constantly being Induced against my will, without my consent, and indiscriminately by total strangers who have capitalized and with moral turpitude, abusivelu used and abused their weaponized access tome, who have raped not just my body literally but my mind and body on a constant basis, and I have been left without a means by which to STOP and or PROTECT MYSELF from such ritualistic, cult driven torturous abuses.
In addition, I was coming out of one of the Triggered targeting while at work in Carmel, when one of the cashiers must have been apologizing to the customer. He said something like, I know we have to wait until they can get her back in place; basically unfreezing my brain and everyone around me pretends as if no time has passed but in reality SEVERAL HEINOUS things have transpired and actual time has passed.
These crimes against me are so agregious it defies humanity....
Friday, November 16, 2018
UFCW Local 5 - Salinas, CA - Hand Delivered Completed Start Paperwork with Confidential Info - Provided Copies of these Forms, Which Were Stolen From My Vehicle
16 November 2018 -
I traveled to Salinas, CA to Hand Deliver the Filled Out Start paperwork for the Union to include my information, and beneficiaries, which I designated my nieces and nephews. By the time I returned home to Pacific Grove, CA - the Signed Documents were Stolen From Me...
Upon completion of these forms at the UFCW Local 5, I asked for a copy of them so I could keep them in my files. I stopped at two locations, after being provided with the copies of all forms I had filled out, and while I was there they checked on my status from back in the late 80's when I worked for a brief time as a Booth Clerk for the Safeway Corporation. Apparently, I had cashed out in 1992, whatever funds were there, but because I had turned in the paperwork prior to my (30) days, there would be no fees.
Prior to finding the location of the UFCW Local 5 - I had passed it on North Main Street in Salinas - but was close to the location where I purchase my loose tobacco, so I decided to go there first and then head over to the UFCW Local 5 to hand deliver the filled out paperwork. Upon completing the Beneficiary paperwork, which I designated my Nieces and Nephews for - I asked for and they were kind enough to provide a copy of these forms.
From that point, I decided to stop at the following locations:
1. KMART in Salinas, CA
2. Asian/Korean Market on Broadway in Seaside, CA
3. In front of home - where a Jeep was parked waiting for me to arrive -
I also recorded part of my meeting with the Union to document I was there, but that recording has since been deleted. What I do have is the pending credit card information for MI FIESTA on North Main about a mile and a half from the UFCW Local 5 - to show not only was I in that area but also is where I, after purchasing the loose tobacco, stopped to drop off the filled out paperwork.
THIS DOMESTIC TERRORIST CULT - in order to cover up their crimes, thought they could give the FALSE impression that I did not show up at the UFCW - but I found the Receipt from the Tobacco Shop where I purchase my loose tobacco to show not only was I in the area, but I can timeline events based on the register receipt.
Therefore, due to this INSIDIOUS, AGGRAVATED, VIOLENT STALKING and CONTINUAL PLOTS to STEAL Privately HELD INFORMATION - in this Case Private Union Information to include my designation of Beneficiaries, which are my Nieces and Nephews, and I am glad I did not provide them at the time with their Social Security Numbers, because had I their Confidential Information, and Identities could also have been stolen via these Confidential Union Documents.
THIS IS NOT A GAME - THESE ARE VIOLENT ACTS OF AGGRAVATED STALKING AND THEFT - AND IT COMPROMISES THE SAFETY AND SECURITY OF TARGET'S SUCH AS MYSELF - No matter what bullshit lies this Terrorist Cult thinks to tell - there is always some means by which I can document - to SHOW that I am the ONE TELLING THE MOTHERFUCKING TRUTH!!! -
From leaving this lot on the same side of North Main - I traveled to the UFCW Local 5 to Drop off the completed forms sent to me and was provided COPIES of these completed forms - THIS was STOLEN from me due to AGGRAVATED STALKING and CRIMINAL THEFT -
Also note due to the shutting down of both brain and biology via the Weaponization of DARPA'S N3 PORTABLE CAPABILITIES - there is a possibility that I was attacked during this time, and access to my vehicle, not unlike the illegal access to my car by taking my keys could have transpired - whatever the case - these TERRORIST'S - continue to STALK ME in Public Places and NOW are Targeting me with the Tactics, Techniques and Weaponized DARPA Neuro-Techs provided to them by State i.e. Department of Defense, their Corporate Counterparts, along with Academia/Research Institutes - ALL OF THEM ULTIMATELY ARE TO BLAME - for THE SHEER VIOLENCE that continues to be inflicted upon and against my life -
And, if you don't think these Terrorist's are not capable of MURDER IN THE FIRST - The Targeted Individual Community has DEAD Target's to Prove just how VIOLENT these MASS MURDERERS in the MAKING are TRULY CAPABLE OF INFLICTING!!!
I am reminded of 2006 when they went LIVE with my OVERT BLITZING and TARGETING, and I was in Long Beach, CA with one of my nieces, after we had finished a 5K Run/Walk. We were sitting in a restaurant, where these private security type men were sitting, and one of them was opposed to what they were doing.
He said something to the effect that What HE'S doing to HER is Wrong, and by the time HE'S finished with HER, she is going to need to change her identity.
It's not just my IDENTITY - I need full scale PROTECTION...
I traveled to Salinas, CA to Hand Deliver the Filled Out Start paperwork for the Union to include my information, and beneficiaries, which I designated my nieces and nephews. By the time I returned home to Pacific Grove, CA - the Signed Documents were Stolen From Me...
Upon completion of these forms at the UFCW Local 5, I asked for a copy of them so I could keep them in my files. I stopped at two locations, after being provided with the copies of all forms I had filled out, and while I was there they checked on my status from back in the late 80's when I worked for a brief time as a Booth Clerk for the Safeway Corporation. Apparently, I had cashed out in 1992, whatever funds were there, but because I had turned in the paperwork prior to my (30) days, there would be no fees.
Prior to finding the location of the UFCW Local 5 - I had passed it on North Main Street in Salinas - but was close to the location where I purchase my loose tobacco, so I decided to go there first and then head over to the UFCW Local 5 to hand deliver the filled out paperwork. Upon completing the Beneficiary paperwork, which I designated my Nieces and Nephews for - I asked for and they were kind enough to provide a copy of these forms.
From that point, I decided to stop at the following locations:
1. KMART in Salinas, CA
2. Asian/Korean Market on Broadway in Seaside, CA
3. In front of home - where a Jeep was parked waiting for me to arrive -
I also recorded part of my meeting with the Union to document I was there, but that recording has since been deleted. What I do have is the pending credit card information for MI FIESTA on North Main about a mile and a half from the UFCW Local 5 - to show not only was I in that area but also is where I, after purchasing the loose tobacco, stopped to drop off the filled out paperwork.
THIS DOMESTIC TERRORIST CULT - in order to cover up their crimes, thought they could give the FALSE impression that I did not show up at the UFCW - but I found the Receipt from the Tobacco Shop where I purchase my loose tobacco to show not only was I in the area, but I can timeline events based on the register receipt.
Therefore, due to this INSIDIOUS, AGGRAVATED, VIOLENT STALKING and CONTINUAL PLOTS to STEAL Privately HELD INFORMATION - in this Case Private Union Information to include my designation of Beneficiaries, which are my Nieces and Nephews, and I am glad I did not provide them at the time with their Social Security Numbers, because had I their Confidential Information, and Identities could also have been stolen via these Confidential Union Documents.
THIS IS NOT A GAME - THESE ARE VIOLENT ACTS OF AGGRAVATED STALKING AND THEFT - AND IT COMPROMISES THE SAFETY AND SECURITY OF TARGET'S SUCH AS MYSELF - No matter what bullshit lies this Terrorist Cult thinks to tell - there is always some means by which I can document - to SHOW that I am the ONE TELLING THE MOTHERFUCKING TRUTH!!! -
From leaving this lot on the same side of North Main - I traveled to the UFCW Local 5 to Drop off the completed forms sent to me and was provided COPIES of these completed forms - THIS was STOLEN from me due to AGGRAVATED STALKING and CRIMINAL THEFT -
While At the UFCW Local 5, dropping off my completed start paperwork, I noticed a Cup with the UFCW 5 full of Embossed Pens. I took a couple to use - but this will also provide proof of having shown up at the UFCW to Drop off my completed Start Union Paperwork and Copies Stolen from my vehicle, with Confidential Information.
Also note due to the shutting down of both brain and biology via the Weaponization of DARPA'S N3 PORTABLE CAPABILITIES - there is a possibility that I was attacked during this time, and access to my vehicle, not unlike the illegal access to my car by taking my keys could have transpired - whatever the case - these TERRORIST'S - continue to STALK ME in Public Places and NOW are Targeting me with the Tactics, Techniques and Weaponized DARPA Neuro-Techs provided to them by State i.e. Department of Defense, their Corporate Counterparts, along with Academia/Research Institutes - ALL OF THEM ULTIMATELY ARE TO BLAME - for THE SHEER VIOLENCE that continues to be inflicted upon and against my life -
And, if you don't think these Terrorist's are not capable of MURDER IN THE FIRST - The Targeted Individual Community has DEAD Target's to Prove just how VIOLENT these MASS MURDERERS in the MAKING are TRULY CAPABLE OF INFLICTING!!!
I am reminded of 2006 when they went LIVE with my OVERT BLITZING and TARGETING, and I was in Long Beach, CA with one of my nieces, after we had finished a 5K Run/Walk. We were sitting in a restaurant, where these private security type men were sitting, and one of them was opposed to what they were doing.
He said something to the effect that What HE'S doing to HER is Wrong, and by the time HE'S finished with HER, she is going to need to change her identity.
It's not just my IDENTITY - I need full scale PROTECTION...
Friday, November 9, 2018
Trump officials insist the Americans were attacked, even as the evidence fails to materialize. “The Cuba thing is one of the few unsolved mysteries we’ve got,” an official said.
by Tim Golden and Sebastian Rotella
On the night of May 27, a young woman newly assigned to the United
States Embassy in Havana heard a disturbing noise at her home in the
city’s Playa neighborhood. As she had been instructed, she telephoned an
embassy security officer, who hurried over to investigate. He heard
something, too.
Both embassy employees were soon medevaced out of Cuba. At the
University of Pennsylvania medical school’s Center for Brain Injury and
Repair, they were diagnosed with concussionlike symptoms similar to
those found in 2017 among 24 Americans and a smaller group of Canadians,
all of whom had also served in Cuba.
The new Havana cases — along with what Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
called the “very similar and entirely consistent” medical problems of a
young consular official in China — stoked fears that American envoys
were now being targeted by a mysterious, high-tech enemy acting on a
global scale.
Yet more than a year after the CIA secretly shut down its Havana
station and the State Department withdrew most of its diplomats from
Cuba in response to the incidents there, escalating a bitter new cold
war between the two countries, U.S. investigators still have no clear
idea who or what made the Americans sick.
A sprawling investigation has enlisted law enforcement agents,
intelligence officers and defense experts, as well as scientists and
medical specialists from within and outside government. Analysts have
combed through secret communications intercepts, and technologists have
tried to reverse-engineer weapons that could produce the effects
diplomats reported. Yet after more than 18 months of work, the
investigators have been unable to answer basic questions about every
major aspect of the case, many officials said.
“The Cuba thing is one of the few unsolved mysteries we’ve got,” one
U.S. national security official said. Referring to a legendary airline
hijacker who vanished out of a plane over the Pacific Northwest in 1971,
he added, “There’s D.B. Cooper in the airplane, and there’s this thing
in Cuba.”
The episode in Havana last May remains as unexplained as everything
that came before it. When FBI agents inspected the young woman’s home in
early June, officials said, they found nothing to contradict the Cuban
investigators who had traced the noise she reported to a faulty water
pump. Nor could the agents reconcile that explanation with the findings
of doctors who eventually linked her diagnosis to the earlier Havana
New details of how the incidents unfolded and the government’s
response — gathered from dozens of interviews with former Havana
diplomats, national security officials and others — suggest that key
Trump administration officials locked on almost immediately to the
belief that the diplomats were being attacked by some covert enemy.
Their suspicions of Cuban involvement, stirred by early CIA assessments,
then hardened even as questions about the Havana episode multiplied.
The Cuban government has vehemently denied having anything to do with
the diplomats’ injuries. Clinging to what remains of the Obama
administration’s historic rapprochement, Communist Party leader Raúl
Castro and other Cuban officials have promised to help however they can.
As tensions have escalated, however, Cuban officials have also demanded
that Washington stop talking about “attacks” that it cannot prove.
“We believe that everyone who complained of feeling sick was sick,”
said Dr. Mitchell Joseph Valdés Sosa, a neurologist who led a delegation
of Cuban scientists to Washington in September. “But that doesn’t mean
they were brain damaged or attacked by a mysterious weapon.”
The Trump administration’s continued insistence that Americans were
attacked has led to remarkable divisions within the government. In
classified briefings, the CIA has pointed to both Cuba and Russia as
likely suspects, possibly as part of an attempt to collect intelligence
with antiquated or faulty equipment, officials said. The FBI has
steadfastly refused to even use the term “attacks,” because its agents
have yet to find evidence that the injuries were caused by hostile
The White House, along with Cuban-American leaders in Congress, has
only pounded harder at presumed Cuban involvement. Although some State
Department and National Security Council staff aides pushed back against
those claims last year, most of those officials have been replaced with
others more in line with the administration’s views, people familiar
with the internal debate said.

“It’s very important that somebody must be held accountable for what
happened to our diplomats,” the president’s national security adviser,
John Bolton, said during a visit to Miami
last week. “We are not satisfied with the performance of the government
of Cuba respecting their security, so we are going to take a very
careful look at that and make some decisions.”
The rift has also reverberated among the diplomats and spies who
served at the U.S. Embassy in Havana when the incidents took place.
Among the afflicted personnel, there seem to be few, if any, who are not
convinced they were victims of an attack. Others, while sympathizing
with their colleagues’ suffering, suspect that the stress of service in
Cuba or unrelated medical issues may have also played a role in some
The symptoms of the Americans who served in Cuba are, by all
accounts, real. Of some 150 U.S. diplomats, intelligence officers and
family members who sought medical attention, doctors at the University
of Pennsylvania later tested 10 men and 11 women and found them to have
“widespread brain network dysfunction” resulting in cognitive, balance
and eye-movement problems.
Most of the patients suffered from common problems like dizziness,
fatigue and difficulties with recall or concentration. A smaller group
had more unusual impairments, including three cases of partial,
one-sided hearing loss. Although the severity of their symptoms varied
widely, the Penn doctors saw
a pattern like that of a mild traumatic brain injury, but with no sign
of trauma — “a concussion without a concussion,” one called it.
The same pattern of symptoms was found in at least part of a group of
10 Canadian diplomats and family members who sought treatment at the
Penn center after leaving Cuba last year, officials said. And State
Department doctors also saw the same symptoms in the young commercial
attaché in China whose case was cited by Pompeo. (Of an additional 15
U.S. consular employees who were subsequently flown from China for
evaluation, 14 of them were found not to have a similar condition, while
one of those cases remains unclear, a State Department spokesman said.)
But from the moment last February that the Penn doctors published
their study of the Havana cohort in the Journal of the American Medical
Association, questions have been raised about other possible causes — and whether a State Department-led task force established by Pompeo is doing enough to explore them.
Among the alternative explanations being considered by the medical
team is whether some of the patients might have suffered a functional
neurologic disorder, possibly triggered by trauma or stress, which could
impair their balance, movement, vision or other areas.
“These are very common symptoms in any neurological clinic,” said Jon
Stone, a neurologist at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. “And,
given how common they are, why are we hearing hoofbeats and thinking
about zebras? They are talking about the possibility of weapons that no
one has ever heard of. But what is the most plausible thing?”
At the end of December 2016 — little more than a month after Donald
Trump was elected with a promise to end Barack Obama’s opening to Cuba
and weeks after the death of Cuban leader Fidel Castro — a CIA officer
in his 30s went into the medical clinic at the U.S. Embassy in Havana.
The officer, who worked under diplomatic cover, told the nurse he was
feeling sick after hearing a strange, high-pitched noise in his home at
night, officials said.
Two other CIA employees soon reported having had similar experiences
and also feeling ill. Some described something like a beam of sound,
pointed into their rooms, sometimes accompanied by an undulating
pressure. Some officials reported that the noise stopped when a door was
Both CIA officers and senior diplomats in Havana suspected low-level
harassment by the Cuban security forces, something like the tit-for-tat
provocations in which both sides had engaged during the Cold War.
Diplomats had said that kind of behavior generally faded away during
Obama’s normalization of diplomatic relations, beginning in 2014. But
one official said that during the latter part of 2016, there had been
some unsubtle intrusions into the homes of embassy personnel while they
were away. A same-sex embassy couple also reported having been taunted
with anti-gay slurs, including what appeared to be derogatory words
scrawled on their sport utility vehicle. (It was unclear whether those
incidents had anything to do with the Cuban security forces.)
The suspicious fact that CIA officers seemed to have been struck
first and disproportionately by the strange sounds and illnesses — at
least four people connected to the small Havana station reported
symptoms, as well as a CIA employee who came to the island on temporary
duty later on — led agency officials to assume that the incidents were
some kind of harassment or electronic-monitoring effort directed at
intelligence officers, officials said.

Based on the agency’s theory that the officers had possibly been hit
by some kind of sonic weapon, government doctors turned to an ear, nose
and throat specialist at the University of Miami’s Miller School of
Medicine who had previously treated brain-injured soldiers in Iraq as a
Navy physician.
Dr. Michael Hoffer reaffirmed the CIA’s initial suspicions, officials
said, finding that the diplomats had suffered inner-ear damage,
apparently from an external force. “I thought they were being targeted,”
he said recently. “I still believe they were being targeted.”
Hoffer noted dizziness in 23 of 25 patients and hearing loss in eight
of them, despite not having baseline tests of their hearing. (He
reported that only six patients, or 24 percent, suffered from headaches,
which he later interpreted as tilting against a diagnosis of mild
traumatic brain injury.)
Back in Havana, senior U.S. diplomats belatedly disclosed the
incidents to the diplomatic staff in late March 2017, leaving many of
them upset that information about a possible danger to their families
had been withheld. Embassy personnel were advised to be on guard for any
strange sounds, and to move quickly away — “get off the X,” as the
security officials put it — if they heard anything.
In the weeks that followed, more than 130 embassy employees and their
family members sought medical attention, out of a community that
included only about 53 diplomats, some of whom were single or
unaccompanied. Of those, 35 were flown to Miami for further evaluation.
Although Hoffer has contended that his diagnoses were more “pure,” in
that they were undistorted by media attention that began in August
2017, diplomats who served in Havana at the time said there was
widespread concern about the dangers, and an almost palpable fear among a
smaller group of the embassy staff.
“Cuba is considered a high-threat, high-stress post,” one official
who served in the embassy said. “Before we go to Cuba, it is drilled
into our heads: There will be surveillance. There will be listening
devices in your house, probably in your car. Assume they are always
watching. For some people, that puts them in a high-stress mentality, in
a threat-anticipation mode.”
The pace of the reported incidents and positive diagnoses picked up
in April and May of 2017, as the embassy staff crowded into a secure
conference room for frequent updates on the situation.
One diplomat who had been hearing what he thought were insects in his
garden listened to an intelligence officer’s tape recording of the
suspect noise and felt sure it was the same sound. Both the diplomat and
his wife, who had not previously felt ill but were under unusual
stress, were diagnosed in Miami as having been affected, officials said.
Soon thereafter, the same diplomat warned his Havana neighbor, a
Canadian diplomat who had also been hearing the cicadalike noise in his
garden at night. That diplomat and his family then left Cuba as well. It
was later confirmed that a member of that diplomat’s family was the
first of the 10 Canadian cases that would be diagnosed.
By contrast to the State Department, the Canadian Foreign Ministry
took a skeptical approach, avoiding any discussion of attacks and
emphasizing that it had no reason to suspect Cuban involvement. But,
after returning to Canada, some of those who had reported feeling ill
(including two children) sought treatment on their own at the University
of Pennsylvania. Although only two of the Canadians had said they heard
anything like the strange noises reported by the American diplomats,
some of the 10 were found to have similar symptoms, officials said.
Thereafter, Canada stopped sending families to Havana and joined the
U.S. task force as an observer.
At the U.S. Embassy, diplomats began to report a variety of sometimes
frightening experiences: At least two patients heard long, shrill
sounds in their garden for hours at a stretch. An experienced,
middle-aged official thought she was suffering migraine headaches after a
strange incident in her home, which was followed by a painful
sensitivity to light. A younger diplomat was suddenly hit with a
high-pitched, undulating noise that almost seemed to paralyze him as he
lay in bed on a high floor of a busy Havana hotel, the Capri, in a room
overlooking the sea. A government doctor on temporary duty in Cuba then
reported a similar incident in the same hotel.

Two more incidents took place in August at the iconic,
government-owned Hotel Nacional, as the CIA was closing down its
station. In between, some diplomats reported feeling ill despite not
having heard any noises at all. Of the 21 patients evaluated at Penn, 12
said they felt an odd sensation of pressure or vibration before their
symptoms began. But Hoffer said in a recent presentation that he had
seen some two dozen patients who thought they had been affected but were
instead classified as among the “worried well.”
Those who did become sick represented a fairly wide cross-section of
the staff, from older women who had suffered past medical problems to at
least three younger, athletic men. (The average age of the male
patients was 39, the women, 47.) An experienced security officer
assigned to deal with the problem was also among those affected,
officials said.
Within weeks, it began to emerge that the diplomats’ symptoms did not
follow the typical pattern for mild concussions. Rather than being most
pronounced after the initial injury and then receding over a few weeks
or months, their cognitive and balance symptoms often began to appear
days after the presumed exposure, and sometimes grew worse weeks or
months later.
With sometimes conflicting information from different doctors, the
State Department’s medical bureau has determined which diplomats are
“medically confirmed” as having been injured. Several of those affected
complained that the bureau seemed especially concerned with getting them
off of medevac status after they left Havana, which required the
department to pay per diem expenses. The diplomats also complained that
the department was slow to arrange further medical help.
“When people requested more advanced or more appropriate reviews,
they were rebuffed and told, ’This is our policy,’” one official said.
“They were very inflexible.”
The State Department’s chief medical officer, Charles Rosenfarb, said
his office only began looking for brain-injury specialists after
determining that the diplomats’ problems were “probably not localized to
the acoustic system.” According to the University of Pennsylvania
study, the doctors there completed their examinations of the Cuba
patients an average of 203 days, or nearly seven months, after they were
first exposed. (A recent State Department accountability review said the medical bureau responded to the situation in a “competent and professional” way.)
Over the course of 2017, CIA officials made the case for a probable
attack in interagency meetings, briefings for other U.S. officials and
briefings for foreign intelligence officials, often pointing to the
Cuban security forces as suspects and sometimes suggesting possible
Russian involvement as well.
“They asserted that this was an attack and that some new weapon had
been used, a weapon they had not been able to identify yet,” said a
European intelligence official who was briefed on the matter last year.
“They also alleged the involvement of the Cubans, which doesn’t make
sense to me at all. The CIA also suggested that the Russians could have
been involved. I know the Russians well and know what they are capable
of — we have plenty of experience with them — but what I saw didn’t
persuade me. They just didn’t have much of a case.”
Pompeo, who was then the CIA director, was less skeptical, officials
said. Stirred by the anger of some CIA officers and their fear of a
continuing threat, Pompeo decided not to wait for further clarity.
Although Cuba was still a hub of intelligence activity by Russia, North
Korea and Venezuela, the work of the agency’s dwindling team in Havana
was a considerably lower priority than it had once been. As the health
incidents unfolded, the station’s acting chief was a young and
inexperienced operative on his first posting abroad.
Before midsummer, Pompeo ordered the Havana station shut down and its
officers brought home. The logistically complex move was kept secret.
But it reverberated powerfully in the broader U.S. policy toward Cuba,
which had already begun to shift.
In May, seeing the hand of the Cuban security services, the Trump
administration expelled two Cuban diplomats who were thought to be
intelligence officers working undercover. A few weeks later, the White
House announced the first of several moves to roll back parts of the
Obama administration’s opening and re-tighten travel and other
As then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson considered options in the
weeks that followed, he decided that if the CIA could not protect its
spies, his diplomats were at least as vulnerable, officials said.
Although more than 30 of the embassy’s diplomats and spouses signed a letter
asking to be allowed to remain in Havana, he went ahead with drastic
staffing cuts, which became permanent shortly before Tillerson was fired
in March.
The State Department’s pullout left just a skeleton staff on the
island: From about 53 diplomats, the number dropped initially to fewer
than a dozen before levelling off at about 15. The administration also
forced Cuba to send home all but eight of the roughly 25 diplomats it
had previously stationed to Washington.
More recently, the Trump administration has moved from warning
American travelers to a full-throated return to the rhetoric of the Cold
War. In his Miami speech just before the midterm elections (with three
Cuban-American Republicans running for House seats from South Florida)
Bolton railed at a “Troika of Tyranny” and a “triangle of terror”
between Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.
At an important moment of political transition in Cuba, with
President Miguel DÃaz-Canel taking over from Raúl Castro last April,
U.S. intelligence reporting from the island has declined, officials
said. The restrictions have also created hardships for Cubans who have
long been of special concern to Cuban-American groups in the United
Diplomats at the understaffed U.S. Embassy have had to scale back
contacts with Cuban human rights activists, independent journalists and
others, officials said, even as more hawkish officials under Bolton and
Pompeo have challenged Cuban human rights policies more aggressively
from Washington and at the United Nations.
“There used to be an official who had daily direct contact with us,” a
prominent dissident, Marta Beatriz Roque, said in a telephone interview
from Havana. “Now they are all doing multiple jobs. It is like a
baseball team where they have to play pitcher, catcher, everything.”
A decline in the flow of American tourists to Cuba has hurt small,
family run restaurants and people who rent their apartments to tourists,
often on Cuba’s growing Airbnb service. Cuban small businesses, which
had been a priority for U.S. consular officials, have also been hampered
by their proprietors’ inability to travel to the United States for
supplies, a new report by the Congressional Research Service noted.
Most significantly, the elimination of all but emergency consular
services at the U.S. Embassy has led to a dramatic decline in the number
of visas issued to Cubans who wish to travel to visit relatives or move
permanently to the United States.
Under a 1994 agreement that ended a flood of Cuban rafters into the
Florida Straits, Washington promised to allow at least 20,000 Cuban
immigrants into the United States each year, in addition to those sought
by close relatives who are U.S. citizens. (The average number of Cubans
admitted to the United States over the first 20 years of the agreement
was more than 32,000 annually.) Through the first 10 months of the
current fiscal year, only 3,195 Cubans received immigrant visas,
official figures show.
Asked if the Trump administration would do anything to address the
U.S. failure to uphold the migration accord, a State Department
spokesman said the agency is still offering visa interviews to Cubans —
but only if they can afford a trip to the U.S. Embassy in Georgetown,
Guyana. Cubans and Cuban-Americans have complained bitterly that the
arrangement is an often-insurmountable obstacle for people whose average
government wage is little more than $30 a month.
The U.S. Embassy in Havana has stopped accepting refugee applications
entirely. After admitting at least 177 Cubans as refugees in the 2017
fiscal year, the United States did not admit any in the first 10 months
of this year. (Of about 54,400 Cubans who became lawful permanent
residents of the United States in 2015, 88 percent were classified as refugees.)
“It has been a terrible mistake to reduce the personnel in the
embassy,” said Francisco Hernandez, the president of the Cuban American
National Foundation, the lobbying group that long dominated
Cuban-American politics in Washington and Miami and has historically
aligned with Republicans. “For what? They say they still don’t know what
happened. What we have to do is open up our resources and our support
for civil society in Cuba. If those people start to disappear, forget
Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who has pushed for the Trump
administration’s confrontational policies toward Cuba and supported the
diplomats’ withdrawal, declined through a spokeswoman to address
questions about the negative impact of the pullout on Cuban activists,
small businesspeople and his own Cuban-American constituents.
Since Pompeo replaced Tillerson at the State Department in April,
officials said, he has taken a much more active stance on the Havana
mystery, establishing the task force and strengthening the
investigation. The wider effort has brought in further resources from
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes
of Health, the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy, among
Technologists from the Department of Defense and other agencies have
also stepped up efforts to try to determine what kind of previously
unknown weapon could have caused the injuries that the diplomats and
spies have suffered in Havana. So far, however, those efforts have been
Earlier this year, officials said, some scientists made a case for
microwave radiation as a possible explanation. Russia had experimented
with the technology for decades, going back to the Soviets’ use of
microwave energy to conduct surveillance on the U.S. Embassy in Moscow
starting in the 1950s. It is also known to be capable of producing the
sensation of sound as part of what is called the Frey effect.
But other scientists are highly skeptical of the microwave hypothesis.
In part, this is because many consider the dangers of low-level,
regular microwave exposure from sources like communications towers to be
unproven. Officials said the microwave theory has also been discounted
by experts who believe microwaves intense enough to damage the brain
would have to burn other tissues.
Some scientists have suggested electromagnetic-pulse technology, or
pulse radiofrequency, or lasers as possible causes. Others have argued
that ultrasound or infrasound could have been the “mechanism of injury.”
But holes have been poked in all of those theories, officials said,
because the physical circumstances of the Havana incidents would have
made those technologies difficult to deploy. In a still-classified
report prepared late last year, the FBI discounted the possibility that a
sonic weapon had been used, officials said.
Investigators are continuing to examine whether the diplomats were
hurt by malfunctioning electronic-surveillance technology that could
have been used by the Cuban security forces. So far, however, no
evidence of any such device or technology has been uncovered in searches
of the Americans’ Havana homes, officials said.
As the list of possibilities dwindles, another question echoes: Is it
plausible that a foreign power could secretly develop a weapon so new
that American scientists cannot even identify it — and then deploy it
covertly and repeatedly, in a highly monitored environment like Havana —
and leave no trace at all?
James Giordano a neurologist at Georgetown University Medical Center,
was recruited by the State Department to try to help determine from the
diplomats’ injuries what technology might have been used against them.
Giordano acknowledged that it remains unclear even where the primary
injury to the patients was located.
“It could be something happening in the brain,” he said. “It could be
something happening in the inner ear. Or both. It may or may not
disrupt the tissues. That makes it really difficult to say, ‘There’s the
proverbial bullet hole and there’s the smoking gun.’”
Giordano, who has studied so-called neuroweapons, said he thought the
most likely technological suspect was some form of electromagnetic
pulsing or hypersonic energy. Such a device could be shrunk to about the
size of a thermostat, he said, but would probably work only within a
single room, even if multiple devices were deployed simultaneously to
enhance the effect.
Some weapons experts have proposed similar scenarios. But officials
familiar with the investigation cautioned that those theories must be
tested against the physical circumstances mapped out by the FBI: The
walls and windows that a weapon would have had to penetrate, the closely
watched streets that would have had to be transited, the neighbors who
apparently did not hear the loud, piercing sounds.
In Giordano’s hypothesis of a miniaturized pulsing device,
adversaries would have had to enter single-family homes or hotel rooms
in some of the most heavily policed sections of Havana, the capital of
what is generally considered a police state. If they removed the devices
before they could be found, they would have had to enter each location
at least twice.
Such a scenario struck current and former intelligence officials as
far-fetched. In interviews, those officials questioned whether Russian
intelligence operatives, for example, would have the motivation or skill
to repeatedly target Americans in Havana without leaving any trail.
Russia’s desire to undercut U.S. power in the Western Hemisphere, and
its long-standing presence on the island, has made it a suspect among
U.S. officials from the beginning. As Washington has scaled back its
presence in Cuba, Russia has also moved to expand its economic and security relationship
with the island. Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted DÃaz-Canel for
an official visit last week, promising loans to purchase Russian
weapons and ever-stronger strategic ties.
Still, Russia would seem to have little reason to monitor the
activities of relatively low-level American spies and diplomats in Cuba,
former intelligence officials said, and would not likely take the risk
of serious, gratuitous attacks on American personnel.
“If they’re doing it, it has to have an espionage purpose,” said the
CIA’s former deputy chief of Russian operations, John Sipher. “The
Russians are incredibly brazen, incredibly relentless. But I’m not aware
of them doing operations that are just designed to harm Americans.”

National security officials said that despite an extensive search
through signals intelligence and other means, they have yet to turn up
any information that clearly implicates the Russians, even
circumstantially. Several officials specifically disputed the accuracy
of a recent news report
asserting that secret intercepts of electronic communications had shown
the Russians to be “the main suspect” in the Cuba incidents.
Although FBI teams have visited Cuba at least six times, their
investigation on the ground in Havana has been constrained, officials
said. In many cases, agents were only able to see homes, apartments or
hotel rooms in which the diplomats were struck long after the fact. Some
U.S. officials also said the Cuban government has so far failed to turn
over some video surveillance footage the FBI has requested from areas
where some of the diplomats lived. For the most part, FBI officials have
emphasized the Cuban government’s cooperation with their inquiry. The
FBI declined to comment for this article.
The Trump administration’s sharpening criticism of Cuba has
contrasted with Pompeo’s praise of the Chinese government’s response to
the problem at the U.S. consulate in the southern city of Guangzhou. A
State Department spokesman would not explain the discrepancy, or specify
what actions Cuba had failed to take at Washington’s request to protect
U.S. personnel.
One case in which the FBI was relatively quick to survey the site of
an incident was that of the young woman who heard a noise at her Havana
home in late May. Even then, bureau agents were not on the island at the
time but arrived about a week later. Officials said the agents found
nothing to contradict the Cuban authorities’ conclusion about a loud
water pump, and one official said they appeared skeptical that any sort
of attack had taken place, notwithstanding the woman’s subsequent
Similarly, FBI agents have been unable to find any further link
between the Havana cases and the experience of a 31-year-old commercial
attaché in Guangzhou, Catherine Werner, who fell ill in the fall of
2017, amid a flurry of news reports about sonic “attacks” in Cuba. The
woman’s case is the only one from China that has been linked by State
Department doctors to the diplomats in Havana.
“As time passes, I’ve got to ask: What’s a more logical explanation?”
said one official who was previously convinced that diplomatic
colleagues had been attacked. “I don’t deny they had symptoms. But, I
have to ask: What does the phased onset of symptoms mean as time goes
on? Is it really repercussions of an attack? Are you replaying it in
your head, and psychological and stress factors are kicking in?”
Those who have been afflicted have strongly (and sometimes angrily)
rejected any notion that psychological factors might be part of the
medical equation. “Most people believe they were targeted,” one of the
diplomats said. “If you ask the Canadians, they would say they were
targeted, too.”
For months, the State Department vacillated on the matter of whether
to describe what happened as “attacks” on the diplomats. CIA officials
who initially argued that their colleagues had been deliberately
targeted, have backed away from that claim more recently, officials
But the Trump administration’s public stance has only hardened. Since
taking over the State Department, Pompeo has unequivocally described
the incidents as attacks and other State officials have quickly fallen
into line. The National Security Council staff, which now has a
committed opponent of the Cuban regime, Mauricio Claver-Carone, as its
senior Latin America policy official, has also ratcheted up the
rhetoric, officials said.
Some medical specialists have also wondered whether some diplomats
might have suffered a functional neurological disorder — a disruption of
the central nervous system, often triggered by illness or trauma, that
can affect the functioning of an organ system even when there is no
structural damage. Such disorders include irritable bowel syndrome,
fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. But they can also affect balance and
cognition in ways that resemble the difficulties of some of the Havana
One syndrome raised in response
to the Penn doctors’ February report is a functional disorder called
persistent postural-perceptual dizziness, or PPPD. That condition, known
by the shorthand 3P-D, is characterized by dizziness, vertigo and other
neurological impairments. It can be set off by physical trauma, a panic
attack or even chronic anxiety.
Medical experts including Stone, the University of Edinburgh
neurologist, said PPPD would not encompass some of the symptoms reported
by the Havana patients, such as headaches, problems with recall or
sleep disturbances. But he said the condition can commonly occur
alongside migraine headaches or cognitive problems.
For months, some of the stricken Havana diplomats felt their
condition was not taken as seriously as it should have been amid
then-Secretary Tillerson’s chaotic reorganization of the department. The
State Department’s administrative and medical bureaucracy was slow to
find them further treatment after their Miami assessments, grant them
needed leave and even cover their medical bills, officials said.
As they grew more concerned, some of the Havana patients took matters
into their own hands. Early on, they enlisted representatives of the
foreign-service officers union to advocate for them with the department.
Some have also met with Cuban-American and other members of Congress,
who have been vocal in their defense. Some patients also hired a lawyer
to represent them.
Regardless of how the investigation unfolds, that constellation of
forces is likely to give the stricken diplomats some influence over how
any conclusions about what happened in Havana. Already, the State
Department leadership has been dismissive of the idea that psychological
factors could have been part of the medical equation.
“Any suggestion that this is some sort of mass hysteria is simply
counterfactual, and the medical community — every doctor I’ve spoken to
about this — is unanimous,” the deputy secretary of state, John
Sullivan, assured some Cuba patients on a conference call last month
that was first reported by NBC News. “It’s real. It happened. And that’s
the set of facts.”
Jake Pearson contributed reporting.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
DARPA Wants Soldiers to Control Drones with Their Minds
Here is the fully developed application being utilized to GAME the CASH REGISTER - where in near real time, upon being given access, these Senders/Perps are being allowed to tap directly into the cash-registers system - in order to tamper /change actual prices - This is why some 10-11 bags full of groceries ring out at say - $200 dollars - All BULLSHIT!!!
Modern warfare is increasingly fought from a distance, and despite the many positive impacts that drones could have on our futures, they are becoming part and parcel of battlefields with large-scale weaponised remotely controlled systems such as the MQ-9 Reaper drone deployed by the military.Now, it seems the US military want to have access to technology that would allow soldiers to control systems not through a typical computer interface but instead via direct communication with their brains.
A grant published last Friday by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is seeking interested parties to develop and demonstrate a system that could have American soldiers making use of with neurotechnology to control drones with their minds.
The technology to do this is already under development, with a six Neural Engineering System Design (NESD) contracts awarded last year to Brown University, Columbia University, Fondation Voir et Entendre (The Seeing and Hearing Foundation), John B. Pierce Laboratory, Paradromics, Inc., and the University of California, Berkeley.
That project involves the development of an implantable neurotech system to bridge the gap between the brain and the digital world – converting the electrochemical signals in neurons in the brain into the binary code that drives computer software.
However, the neural interfaces required to make this technology possible currently require invasive surgery such as metal or silicon-based electrodes that are in direct contact with brain tissue. Presumably, there is inherent risk involved in such procedures, with the grant document stating that “current high-resolution neural interfaces are not a feasible solution for the able-bodied warfighter, nor are they ideal for therapy and restoration of function.”
The grant, titled Next-Generation Non-Surgical Neurotechnology (N3), seeks instead to develop non-invasive technologies that would allow soldiers to wear external or non-surgical neural interfaces to both record and stimulate the brain signals and transmit those to and from a digital interface.
While the potential applications of this technology is certainly bound to be wide-ranging, it is clear without a doubt that DARPA already has a pretty good idea of how they’d like to see the technology applied.
Participating teams will be funded by DARPA to undertake a four-year, three-phase program that will see the final phase demonstrate the technology in vivo – that is, on a human subject. And their “suggested” application? The grant document speaks for itself: “At the end of the program, teams will perform a DoD-relevant demonstration of their choosing in a human subject. For example, the final demonstration could include a human subject controlling multiple drones in a virtual reality setup, while receiving sensory feedback to portray the status of each drone.”
Freaky? Actually, not so much. Researchers at Australian company Emotiv released findings earlier this year showing that they could control a Parrot Rolling Spider drone using EEG. And only last week, Editor-in-Chief of The National Mina Al-Oraibi gave the whole drone mind-control thing a go with the Emotiv set up. Her account of the experience, though, describes considerable mental effort.
In fact…the development of mind-controlled drones are already being supported by DARPA, as was reported late last year by The Drive. Panagiotis Artemiadis, engineering professor at Arizona State University has been working on a research program titled “Brain-Swarm Interaction and Control Interfaces“, which is funded by both DARPA and U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).
Talking to Electronics Products magazine, he said, “The goal for the next couple of years is to actually have…a team of…ground vehicles, mobile robots and aerial vehicles.”
The NESD call for proposals
laid out a series of specific technical goals, including development of
an implantable package that accounts for power, communications, and
biocompatibility concerns. Part of the fundamental research challenge
will be developing a deep understanding of how the brain processes
hearing, speech, and vision simultaneously with individual neuron-level
precision and at a scale sufficient to represent detailed imagery and
sound. The selected teams will apply insights into those biological
processes to the development of strategies for interpreting neuronal
activity quickly and with minimal power and computational resources.
- A Brown University team led by Dr. Arto Nurmikko will seek to decode neural processing of speech, focusing on the tone and vocalization aspects of auditory perception. The team’s proposed interface would be composed of networks of up to 100,000 untethered, submillimeter-sized “neurograin” sensors implanted onto or into the cerebral cortex. A separate RF unit worn or implanted as a flexible electronic patch would passively power the neurograins and serve as the hub for relaying data to and from an external command center that transcodes and processes neural and digital signals.
- A Columbia University team led by Dr. Ken Shepard will study vision and aims to develop a non-penetrating bioelectric interface to the visual cortex. The team envisions layering over the cortex a single, flexible complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit containing an integrated electrode array. A relay station transceiver worn on the head would wirelessly power and communicate with the implanted device.
- A Fondation Voir et Entendre team led by Drs. Jose-Alain Sahel and Serge Picaud will study vision. The team aims to apply techniques from the field of optogenetics to enable communication between neurons in the visual cortex and a camera-based, high-definition artificial retina worn over the eyes, facilitated by a system of implanted electronics and micro-LED optical technology.
- A John B. Pierce Laboratory team led by Dr. Vincent Pieribone will study vision. The team will pursue an interface system in which modified neurons capable of bioluminescence and responsive to optogenetic stimulation communicate with an all-optical prosthesis for the visual cortex.
- A Paradromics, Inc., team led by Dr. Matthew Angle aims to create a high-data-rate cortical interface using large arrays of penetrating microwire electrodes for high-resolution recording and stimulation of neurons. As part of the NESD program, the team will seek to build an implantable device to support speech restoration. Paradromics’ microwire array technology exploits the reliability of traditional wire electrodes, but by bonding these wires to specialized CMOS electronics the team seeks to overcome the scalability and bandwidth limitations of previous approaches using wire electrodes.
- A University of California, Berkeley, team led by Dr. Ehud Isacoff aims to develop a novel “light field” holographic microscope that can detect and modulate the activity of up to a million neurons in the cerebral cortex. The team will attempt to create quantitative encoding models to predict the responses of neurons to external visual and tactile stimuli, and then apply those predictions to structure photo-stimulation patterns that elicit sensory percepts in the visual or somatosensory cortices, where the device could replace lost vision or serve as a brain-machine interface for control of an artificial limb.
Friday, November 2, 2018
02 November 2018
A SOLO HUMAN TARGET, A SCAPEGOAT – someone who is expendable – located in strategically selected communities/towns/cities scattered throughout the United States. Covertly profile every aspect of the Target/s personal and professional life. Use Human Intelligence to follow and stalk target to places they frequent, where they go and what they purchase, how often they purchase a particular item, what is the brand name, calculate their uses of products purchased basically EXTENSIVELY AND ILLEGALLY PROFILE the Targeted Individual. Study likes and dislikes, political religious, and other affiliations - Within privacy or home, without warrant use cyber and telecom capabilities to hack into or listen to private conversations, emails, websites frequented, online purchases, or online finances.
TARGET AUDIENCE, –via PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS TEAMS, upon and against the citizens of that denied access area/location, a vast landscape of diversity, socio-economics, political, religious, ethnically diverse, to homogeneous cities, rural towns, big and small: Seek out religious, political, community leaders, and those individual who can influence their member base, in addition to seeking all weakness’, intolerance's and fears of these people. In particular youths, and women -
Once the target audiences have been profiled, and analysis have been completed
By Shaping the Narrative to their advantage via Targeted Individual and Target Audience’s Profiles, using False Flag Operations ( covert operations which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities.) and against the SOLO HUMAN TARGET with an Aggressive Smear, Fear, Hate, Retaliation, and Revenge campaign, via Character and Credibility assassination of the Target – using Propaganda, Negative False Light– whatever it takes to PREY upon the citizens to TURN them against the Solo Human Target – becomes another goal. In addition to having sufficiently manipulated the public so that they will act upon and against the target via Community Based Bullying – Without Question, Without Reservation, Without Remorse, and most of all without Regard to the Targets humanity and/or human life.
Place all the DATA into a collective server, that is also building brain mapping capabilities - MAP the BRAINS of the PERPETRATOR CIVILIAN POPULATION - BUILD STAND OFF MODALITIES TO TRACK THE BRAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE PERPS -
- Empirical Evidence
Empirical evidence is information acquired by observation or experimentation. Scientists record and analyze this data. The process is a central part of the scientific method.
The scientific method begins with scientists forming questions, or hypotheses, and then acquiring the knowledge through observations and experiments to either support or disprove a specific theory. "Empirical" means "based on observation or experience," according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Empirical research is the process of finding empirical evidence. Empirical data is the information that comes from the research.
Before any pieces of empirical data are collected, scientists carefully design their research methods to ensure the accuracy, quality and integrity of the data. If there are flaws in the way that empirical data is collected, the research will not be considered valid.
So, either DARPAS' N3 will be utilized to continue to Radicalize Recruits to Commit Harm - which will Unleash WWII - or They will utilize it to Neutralize the Brains of these Radicalized, Violent Perps, when they THINK to do HARM to Defenseless Individual/s, Group/s and or Organization/s?
It doesn't matter what nano-technologies and or synthetic biology's are used to HEAL my body - It is MY BODY - and it is being PHYSICALLY HARMED, and I AM RENDERED DEFENSELESS TO PROTECT and or DEFEND MYSELF - THIS- MEANS EVERYTHING -
Was at the Walmart in Marina, CA - and took major blows from someone named Keisha - but I am sure there were other employees who vented their Radicalized Hate Upon my body as well, not unlike what transpires at my new job in the Crossroads, Carmel, CA - while my brain was being deactivated/scrambled.
It doesn't matter what nano-technologies and or synthetic biology's are used to HEAL my body - It is MY BODY - and it is being PHYSICALLY HARMED, and I AM RENDERED DEFENSELESS TO PROTECT and or DEFEND MYSELF - THIS- MEANS EVERYTHING -
Was at the Walmart in Marina, CA - and took major blows from someone named Keisha - but I am sure there were other employees who vented their Radicalized Hate Upon my body as well, not unlike what transpires at my new job in the Crossroads, Carmel, CA - while my brain was being deactivated/scrambled.
With DARPA'S N3 Gone Wide and Gone Live - is the fully REALIZED - TECHNICAL AREA 3 - from
There is a reason why the Targeted Victims FEELS HATE, they have been brutalized by other peoples violence, which has been repeatedly inflicted upon and against them, while being left DEFENSELESS to the Attacks - There is no reason for total strangers to HATE that Target to the point of believing they have the right to retaliate, in particular, with violence, theft, etc.
(scroll down to HOW IT WORK) or
A SOLO HUMAN TARGET, A SCAPEGOAT – someone who is expendable – located in strategically selected communities/towns/cities scattered throughout the United States. Covertly profile every aspect of the Target/s personal and professional life. Use Human Intelligence to follow and stalk target to places they frequent, where they go and what they purchase, how often they purchase a particular item, what is the brand name, calculate their uses of products purchased basically EXTENSIVELY AND ILLEGALLY PROFILE the Targeted Individual. Study likes and dislikes, political religious, and other affiliations - Within privacy or home, without warrant use cyber and telecom capabilities to hack into or listen to private conversations, emails, websites frequented, online purchases, or online finances.
TARGET AUDIENCE, –via PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS TEAMS, upon and against the citizens of that denied access area/location, a vast landscape of diversity, socio-economics, political, religious, ethnically diverse, to homogeneous cities, rural towns, big and small: Seek out religious, political, community leaders, and those individual who can influence their member base, in addition to seeking all weakness’, intolerance's and fears of these people. In particular youths, and women -
Once the target audiences have been profiled, and analysis have been completed
By Shaping the Narrative to their advantage via Targeted Individual and Target Audience’s Profiles, using False Flag Operations ( covert operations which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities.) and against the SOLO HUMAN TARGET with an Aggressive Smear, Fear, Hate, Retaliation, and Revenge campaign, via Character and Credibility assassination of the Target – using Propaganda, Negative False Light– whatever it takes to PREY upon the citizens to TURN them against the Solo Human Target – becomes another goal. In addition to having sufficiently manipulated the public so that they will act upon and against the target via Community Based Bullying – Without Question, Without Reservation, Without Remorse, and most of all without Regard to the Targets humanity and/or human life.
Place all the DATA into a collective server, that is also building brain mapping capabilities - MAP the BRAINS of the PERPETRATOR CIVILIAN POPULATION - BUILD STAND OFF MODALITIES TO TRACK THE BRAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE PERPS -
- Empirical Evidence
Empirical evidence is information acquired by observation or experimentation. Scientists record and analyze this data. The process is a central part of the scientific method.
The scientific method begins with scientists forming questions, or hypotheses, and then acquiring the knowledge through observations and experiments to either support or disprove a specific theory. "Empirical" means "based on observation or experience," according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Empirical research is the process of finding empirical evidence. Empirical data is the information that comes from the research.
Before any pieces of empirical data are collected, scientists carefully design their research methods to ensure the accuracy, quality and integrity of the data. If there are flaws in the way that empirical data is collected, the research will not be considered valid.
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