Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tortious Intrference - Tort Law Has Case History - Target's Should Utilize in Employment and Financial issues

There is a Tort law that if proven can be utilized for punitive damages, mental duress, due to the following:

Tortious interference, also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts, occurs when one person intentionally damages someone else's contractual or business relationships with a third party causing economic harm.

Due to the nature of what has been transpiring with these employment agencies, who appear to have partnered with members of this State Sponsored Domestic Terrorist Organization, it stands to reason the 'agency' allowed an external third party to intentionally damages my ability for gainful employment, which has caused me undue economic harm.  

I sent an email to the State Attorney General's Office about being a Marcy's Card holder because one legitimate, ethical, and uncorrupted law enforcement officer - realized everything I was explaining, was something he was getting calls on about other victims being targeted by these Civilian Recruits'.  

Instead of ridiculing, mocking, dismissing, and refusing to write a police report, he not only did this but sent me what is known as the VICTIMS BILL of RIGHTS under MARCY'S LAW.  I have carried this document with me, and have even presented it to other local enforcment agencies around the Monterey Peninsula, most of these compromised police, simply dismissed and or mocked what I presented to them.  

As such, from the date of receipt going forward, these local law enforcement agencies have in point of literal fact  CONSPIRED AGAINST MY RIGHTS, COMMITTED DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW - AND FAILED TO PROTECT ME AS A CITIZEN WITHIN THEIR JURISDICTION FROM THE ONSLAUGHT OF SHEER AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS TO BOTH PERSON AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IN THE FORM OF INTENTIONAL VANDALISM, THEFT, BREAKING AND ENTERING, TORTURE, STALKING, AGGRAVATED MAYHEM AND TORTURE, to include FRUIT OF THE POISONOUS TREE - these are just a few of the long list of what Local Law Enforcement Agencies have denied me and refused to file criminal reports against these community members' they are covering up for.  

24 July 2018

Victims' Services Unit

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