Monday, August 20, 2018

Targeting Is A Form of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (Handlers) and Munchausen (Perps)

 “Sharp Objects” is an HBO series, which delves into Munchausen by Proxy 

I became aware of this psychological term, when attempting to figure out why my uncle, every couple of months ended up in the Emergency Room with some other or new illness, after being discharged and starting to regain his strength, and well-being.  Shortly after he started to become stronger health wise, we would get a call saying he was in the Emergency Room with something new.  

One night on HBO, a movie called, "The 9th Life of Louis Drax" was on and the actor playing the role of psychiatrist made reference to, Munchausen by Proxy and it clicked, but only in reference to a possible and more than likely accurate reason why my uncle kept ending up in the hospital, after noticing repeatedly, shortly after he became more healthy and physically stronger, he would keep having these emergency room set backs.  

Upon watching this current episode of, "Sharp Objects" and the description made by a nurse who was retaliated against for coming forward about concerns the mother in the series had caused the death of one of her daughters' - something else clicked in me....

This is what they are doing to Targeted Individuals' - Those in positions of power, expertise, and or authority, false proclamations that something is 'Wrong' with the Target, and 'THEY' are there to save, help, cure, fix, protect, etc. the community from the Target or the Target from themselves - when in reality - most everything that has been done, is what THEY themselves, DELIBERATELY, with PREMEDITATED, MALICIOUS INTENT, INFLICTED in order to gain sympathy, recognition, become the saviors and or heroes of their community - Yet, at no time are they or those who facilitate, and aggressively promote such negative acts and actions, admit, what they have done, to what levels they participate within to provide the NARRATIVE they are promoting.  
Next scene is the Mother who is guilty of having killed one of her daughters’ years ago, and now she is doing it to her third daughter - In the scene the Mother who is the culprit, then goes and character assassinates the oldest daughter, as someone who is the bad influence, has drinking and other issues, therefore, not to be believed - in order to get the daughter being poisoned by the mother to think she (the mother) is the savior, while the innocent sister is the ‘BAD’ seed. 

This is another standard operating procedure with Targeting, whereby, the actual criminal preps' will project and deflect when confronted by way of innocently proclaiming 'the Target' is the one in need, the bad seed, the criminal, the mental case, etc. so as to ensure those questioning the legitimacy and or efficacy of what is being done is all for the benefit of them. 

This is also in line with Targeting, and how the Narratives being sold to the Target Audience/s aka general population, group, and or organization sell their ‘HERO WORSHIP’ to the public.  by way of "They are the Good" and the Target is the Bad - 
What is truly transpiring is out and out - “Abuse of Power"via their proclamation of being the Experts, People in Positions of Power and or Authority’ and therefore, they WOULD NEVER do anything harmful to another person  Yet everything they sell is about how the TARGET is lacking in something, needs to be saved, needs to be helped, needs to realize their sickness or sicknesses’ while basically CAUSING any type, in particular via the Psychological Trauma’s intentionally inflicted and or directed energy weapons and weaponized neuroscience and subsequent weaponized neurotechnologies are viciously inflicted upon that Defenseless Targeted Individual’s body, or the psychological warfare that is inflicted upon and against the Targeted victim via robbery, theft, petty theft, creepy crawl, whereby they move or remove items from the Target’s private residence, gaslighting is another form of what transpires, but in the end - ALL of this is with premeditated, malicious intent, so these Handlers’ and other so called PROFESSIONALS’ can proclaim they will SAVE the Community and or Targeted Individual - when in fact THEY ARE THE ONE’S WHO CREATE the SCENARIOS in order to JUSTIFY - what is being done to the Targeted Victim.  

In MUNCHAUSEN BY PROXY (MBP), increasingly known as FACTITIOUS DISORDER IMPOSED ON ANOTHER (FDIOA), or MEDICAL CHILD ABUSE (MCA), an individual falsifies or induces illness in another person to accrue emotional satisfaction—but this time vicariously.  This is a form of maltreatment (abuse and/or neglect) and FDIOA itself is now classified as a mental disorder. Children are the usual victims and the mother is the usual perpetrator. Factitious disorder, whether imposed on self or another, can take place primarily via the Internet—typically through the manipulation of other people participating through social media. This variation is called MUNCHAUSEN BY INTERNET or MUNCHAUSEN BY PROXY BY INTERNET.

What do patients with factitious disorder and the rest of the phenomena on this site do?  They deliberately mislead others into thinking they (or their children) have serious medical or psychological problems, often resulting in extraordinary numbers of medication trials, diagnostic tests, hospitalizations, and even surgery . . . that they know are not really needed.  In short, factitious disorder, Munchausen syndrome, malingering, and Munchausen by proxy involve medical deception, or “disease forgery.”
  • They may falsely report illness—e.g., by stating that they have terminal cancer or ADHD.
  • They may feign illness—e.g., by faking a seizure or acting as if they have multiple personalities.
  • They may falsify lab results—e.g., by adding blood or protein to a urine specimen.
  • They may exaggerate a medical problem—e.g., by claiming occasional mild back pain is crippling.
  • They may aggravate an existing ailment—e.g., by manipulating a wound so it doesn’t heal.
  • They may induce an actual illness—e.g., by injecting themselves or their child with bacteria to cause a raging infection.
  • They may “dissimulate”—e.g., by initially avoiding treatment so that a minor medical problem becomes serious.

In variations of the root problem, some seek the HERO or VICTIM role, rather than the SICK role.  The good news is that knowledge about factitious disorder and the other phenomena has been increasing exponentially.  The level of interest is growing, and the first, early version of this website (launched in 1996) received almost one million visits.
The term “Munchausen syndrome” was derived from the storybook character created by Rudolph Erich Raspe.  In turn, the character was based on a real 18th century Prussian cavalry officer, Karl Friedrich Hieronymus Freiherr (Baron) von Munchhausen (1720-1797).

For Target’s like myself there were no incidents or running to doctors looking for attention - This latest round of Physical Exams came after over (8) years without going to a doctor, and because of my back, which I thought was my Kideny’s and also due to a huge spike in my blood pressure, all of which are normal reason to seek out medical attention.  

On the FLIP side, Munchausen by Proxy has to do with the PROFESSIONAL and or CARE GIVER’S or Proclaimed Concerned Individual’s WHO FAKE and FALSIFY what is WRONG with a Targeted Individual to AGGRESSIVELY RECRUIT their TARGET AUDIENCES into ACTIVE PARTICIPATION under False Pretenses and out and out Lies, in order to give the false appearance they are CONCERNED, WANT TO HELP, ARE THE HEROES, CAN GAIN ACCOLADES, and in the EXPERIMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT of CUTTING EDGE CYBER and BIO-TECHNOLOGIES (NEUROSCIENCE/NEUROTECHNOLOGIES) needs to be USED on a Target due to their CONDITION/S.

I became more aware of this Muchausen by Proxy by way of my Uncle who passed in March 2017, and what his Fiancé was doing to him, it finally CLICKED that what is being done to TARGETED INDIVIDUAL’S is a form of this by EXTERNAL THIRD parties in order to GIVE the FALSE IMPRESSION to the general public, that what they are doing, what they are developing, what they are monitoring, etc. is all in the service of some greater good, to monitor communities against people like Targeted Individual’s, because the Target needs it - but what is ALWAYS OMITTED is WHAT THEY DO IN ORDER TO GIVE THE APPEARANCE that on their flip side - THEY ARE THE ONE’S CREATING, INFLICTING, AND CAUSING much of what they PROCLAIM the VICTIM has or is in need of.  

The victim role, is what these PERPS are all aggressively trained to do, which is to PROCLAIM they are the VICTIMS’ of a Target, as opposed to the Perpetrators of what they have deliberately inflicted upon and against the Target, and when confronted and or caught the reverse is proclaimed i.e. they are the victims of the actual person being victimized, in order to shift the focus away from their premeditated wrongdoings, while once again proclaiming that the actual victim is the one in need, and look at how concerned they are for the victim, while basically SYSTEMATICALLY UNDERMINING the ACTUAL VICTIM

So, in many cases the Civilian Recruited and other States sponsored Perps, can be categorized by a false proclamation of being the victims' who are seeking attention and or recognition for what they Claim the actual victim's have done to them, never admitting to what they inflicted against the actual victim/s of Targeting.

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