Friday, October 19, 2018

Russia's Putin... Sets Up...Mainly Replublican's & Other American's - Lock Stock & Smoking Barrel: The Only Way to Show Who "THEY" Really Are - Was to Help Give Them POWER!

19 October 2018

If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart? .. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

You know how the saying goes:  "Keep Your Friends Close, and Your Enemies Closer"...Sun Tzu/Machavelli

Here's another quote: "Power Corrupts, Absolute Power, Corrupts Absolutely" ... Lord Acton

I have been victimized by what otherwise would be civil society turned Violent Savages in their crusade to destroy.  All it took, was Narrative Network Teams, / Psychological Warfare, and providing these powerless civilian's with a scapegoated Target, add to it obstruction of justice, conspiracy against rights, add to the mix, just a bit of power with little oversight. 

Putin Hails Sunset of U.S. Global Domination Due To Mounting ‘Mistakes’

... As for the U.S., he said that “empires often think they can make some little mistakes ... because they’re so powerful. But when the number of these mistakes keeps growing, it reaches a level they cannot sustain.”

He added: “A country can get the sense from impunity that you can do anything. This is the result of the monopoly from a unipolar world ... . Luckily this monopoly is disappearing.  

“Luckily this monopoly is disappearing. It’s almost done,” the Russian president said in his annual foreign policy speech.

It took all morning after reading this article about a speech Putin made and then it clicked - why would he say It's almost done?

For me as a Targeted Individual who has sought justice for the crimes perpetrated upon and against my living life, it has astounded me as to the sheer and true Conspiracy against the Rights and Liberties of Targeted Victims, such as myself.  The pleas to local, state, and federal agencies, non-government organizations, lawyer after lawyer, and law firm after law firm to - NO AVAIL!

It was really not until 2012, when Putin came into being the Russian President for the second time, that it was leaked about his directive to their military to Proliferate Directed Energy Weapons by 2020.  The news outlets ridiculed them as Zombie Guns, and basically stated they did not exist, but Targeted Individual's such as myself, have written, walked into police stations, city after city, state after state and for myself who crossed the Atlantic and resided in Italy, country after country, and at each turn was blocked from being able to see justice against those who have targeted me.

The one underlying issue:  Make Sure No One Believes the Targeted Individual/s, Group, Organization, Government, etc.  

Yet, it was Putin in 2012 that sounded the warning to the global population to the existence of Directed Energy Weapons, while all other, and I mean all other NATO allied countries, kept a collective code of silence to the pleas of their, scapegoated Targeted Citizens' who were coming forward to all government agencies to conduct a criminal investigations'.

In any event, today, the light finally clicked on about the strategy of what Russian has been doing.  It's been a full scale set up, but not necessarily against the Democratic Party, but against the Republican Party, Corporate America, and other American Hypocrites.

You see NO ONE would believe if Russia, and other countries would come out and talk about just what hypocrites these extremist in the Republican Party truly are.  Instead they helped them gain Power, so that they could SHOW FOR THEMSELVES who they truly are From Trump and all his corruption, to all the felons in the White House that Trump surrounded himself with, to appointing Brett Kavanaugh, to how the coverup looks like by an accused sexual assault apologist-  Senator's Lindsey Graham to the misogyny of Chuck Grassley about lost their shit during the Kavanaugh hearings.  To letting off Racists Police, to White Women calling the police on innocent African American's - And NOW the WORLD KNOWS who these REPUBLICAN'S truly are.

All Russia had to do was provide them the tools to put them in power, and sit back and watch these Republican's SELF DESTRUCT with their obsession with power and control, and how they go about SETTING UP their opponents, how they utilize Character and Credibility Assassination against their so called foes, and to what lengths they will go to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.  To the sheer VIOLENCE being perpetrated upon and against their own citizens, and then abusing their positions of power, authority and or expertise to sponsor, sanction, and cover up their criminal activities  - This, then trickles down to the civilian population who feel emboldened to overtly Target other citizens and neighbors with their hate. 

That is why Putin said, It's almost done!!! - It was to PROVE to the WORLD what TOTAL and ABSOLUTE, VIOLENT, HYPOCRITES these, GOD FEARING - HOLIER THAN THOU -  Republican's truly are - and the only way to prove it, was to help them gain Power...

Talk about a Stroke of Genius, Putin...but then again, You have to FIGHT ORGANIZED CRIMINALS - with ORGANIZED CRIME - So, no one knew better how to OUT these VIOLENT HYPOCRITES, than someone who knows a thing or two about it...

Here are additional areas of corruption that have plagued this country.

This is JUST from One County in California - THINK about HOW CORRUPTED it is throughout the STATE and NATION.
Sheriff’s Orange County Crime Lab Murder Scandal Unfolds in Courts

 Orange County Prosecutor's Scandal 

The jaw-dropping police/prosecutor scandal in Orange County, Calif. 

Outrage erupts over Orange County sheriff recording attorney-client phone calls from jail 

NSA Files/Guardian

I can and will attest that Various community, community members, business', academia and most of all local government agency Members' from the MONTEREY PENINSUAL, CALIFORNIA, are even more POLITICALLY CORRUPTED than Orange County because most of these people have a VESTED FINANCIAL interest in Keeping the Department of Defense, Private Security Firms, and Corporate Counterparts littered throughout this Monterey Peninsula- Happy.  Therefore, when it comes to actual JUSTICE - I have no illusions, that these players within the county, along with the recruited CIVILIAN WANNABES,  will sell out the Rule of Law, United States Constitution, along with Humanity... just to curry favors with and be a part of it.  THE JIG IS UP and the veil has been lifted for the fraud and facade various members within this Peninsula attempt to project themselves to be. 


By Lifting this Facade and Veil of 'their' Greed and Concentrated Corruption, the Power, Wealth and Respectability, the Architectural Structure behind my targeting- most of whom are well educated, sit in positions of power, authority, and or expertise, run or work for multi-national corporations, go to church every Sunday, live in multi-million dollar homes, drive the most expensive vehicles, wear Armani Suit's, and or carry Hermes purses ... Does not make them more admirable, respectable, and or better than anybody else, it just show the low levels they sink in order to keep their status quo alive. 

By virtue of 'All' that they have, or claim to be,  it makes them even more SAVAGE, because it stands to reason 'they' have been provided the tools to become more Refined - Yet, by way of how I and other Targeted Victims have been brutally and violently OPPOSED - it proves 'THEIR' minds and mindset have not grown psychologically past a certain age - generally, grade school mentalities.  This includes the myriad of community recruits, whose minds are already like this, and or regress to this level of thinking, which makes them more susceptible to becoming savages.  

Therefore, with all that these 'Perps' proclaim to be, have, know, are better than, smarter than, are more deserving of, 'They' would then have NO EXCUSE for their Barbaric Inhumanity and infliction of pure and concentrated hate upon Myself and other Targeted Victims.  This of course is by virtue of Who these State, Corporate, and Academia sponsored, sanctioned, and covered up Architect's and Civilian Recruits delude themselves into what they 'Think' they are, as opposed to WHO 'THEY' really are....

On the flip side,  Targeted Individual's such as myself have rarely witnessed, actual 'gangs' in the stereotype descriptions, targeting me  -  it almost appears as if they have more insight, critical thinking skills, and or actually have exhibited more compassion and empathy by not participating, than the lot of so called respectable community members who do.  As such, it stands to reason, the 'ONES' that should be the Least Susceptible to External Outside Negative Influence/s, have become the Single Most Receptive to these Negative External Influence/s, while those who would be considered to be most responsive, are NOT!!  What is Wrong with that Picture?



Putin and others like him have Set Up and Outed one major aspect of this American Hypocrisy.  Targeted Victim's such as myself have been Very Successful in Setting Up and Outing local communities and community members for who THEY really are, and what THEY are CAPABLE of doing to a SOLO, UNARMED, DEFENSELESS Targeted Victim.   I, along with other Targeted Individual's have managed to do this, One City, One County, and One States at a time.  We have not just witnessed, but are and have been mercilessly targeted by Their HATE, which becomes palatable, as they violently strike with impunity.  

Yet... in the End, most would be shocked and appalled to Witness WHO these Individual's are i.e. the police officer, the lawyer, the judge, the corporate executive, the government agency and or worker/s within, the doctor, the neighborhood watch group, the local business owner, the teacher, the pastor, the church-goer, the co-worker, the store clerk, the bank teller, and on and on and on -

In any event,  Putin/Russia and other's already KNOW - In the END, it only EXPOSES these so called Respectable People and Communities for WHO THEY REALLY ARE at their CORE, and all the money, power, authority and or expertise they have and or aspire to gain- cannot cover or wash away 'Their' true selves and or stench. 

... And, again... looking at my current location on the Monterey Peninsula - and the sheer number of haters, stalkers,vigilante justice seekers, know it all's, gonna teach me a lesson, employment blacklisting, theft, vandalism, torture, street theater, directed energy weapons targeting/tortures, weaponized neurotechnologies targeting/torture, you name the VIOLENCE and it has been inflicted in droves - Show the Architects' were Right - They may have gotten the lot of these Community Members' to Hate - But I managed to get the LOT of these COMMUNITIES To COME OUT OF THE WOOD-WORK and VIOLENTLY SHOW who THEY REALLY ARE, and WHAT THEY are LITERALLY CAPABLE of doing to an UNARMED, DEFENSELESS, HUMAN BEING !!!


I will refer back to 2008, while living in Florence, Italy, when I kicked the tires of the Carabinieri's vehicle, not once, but twice with Four Carabinieri's carrying oozie like machine guns, in the middle of the Piazza della Repubblica because they ignored and laughed at me when I told them 'they' had shut down two different ATM Cards from two American Banks that I physically went into to before leaving overseas, to let them know I would be in Italy for an extended period of time - 

... As this was happening, two White American men walked past me, one of the laughing assholes said - "WE COULD NEVER HAVE PULLED THIS OFF WITHOUT HER!!! 


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